character animation demo reel - 2025
00:00 - titles - animation, logo design (after effects, illustrator)
00:04 - feature film "albert" gift promo - animation (maya); models/ rigs/ rendering by nickelodeon
00:07 - gonnaneedmilk "dance off" social ad - animation, comping (after effects); designs, rigs by nathan love
00:10 - ranza & kwee animation test - animation (after effects); designs, rigs, special effects by snowflake films nyc
00:17 - rubble & crew promo library - animation (maya); models/ rigs/ rendering by nick jr
00:22 - toca boca's "hairy stories" - animation (after effects); design, rigs by toca boca
00:34 - wonder pets: in the city! - animation (after effects); design, rigs by snowflake films nyc
00:39 - animation mentor student work - animation, lighting, rendering, some modeling, texturing (maya); rigs by animation mentor
00:47 - gonnaneedmilk "muscle motivation" social ad - animation, comping (after effects); designs, rigs by nathan love
00:53 - "click, clack, moo: christmas at the farm" special - animation (after effects); design, rigs by 100 chickens productions
01:04 - "boo-zsa-boo and banana" pilot - animation (after effects); designs, rigs by snowflake films nyc
01:13 - "wallykazam - legend of the stick" pilot - animation (maya); models/ rigs/ rendering/ special effects by curious pictures
01:24 - feature film "albert" hidden promo - animation (maya); models/ rigs/ rendering by nickelodeon
01:31 - end titles - animation, logo design (after effects, illustrator)
music track - "hooligan swing" by soundroll